вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Google says the project GHealth

Google announced further details of its Google Health project. The official blog of Google introduced the first screenshots of the system. According to the company, the project will be open free for users of the platform on which there will be no advertising.

Privacy of the system will fully comply with regulations to protect personal data, the company promises to ...

The idea of storing medical information is not new, but the feature of the system will be compatible with the storage of information by third parties that will allow any clinic or practitioner transferred to a system of patient data directly using a standard protocol.

Google Health - a competitive project, which will compete with services such as Microsoft HealthVault, and AOL Health Revolution. In contrast, Google Health, these services include advertising, which, however, not the content of records targetiruetsya.

воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Sometimes our children are smarter than us

Before leaving, I had a little talk with my nine-year daughter. I said that I was going to read a report on the conference. And she asked.

- You will pay for it and pay for the road?.
- No.
- And why did you then go?.

I did not even know what to say. But I at least had other good reasons to go to Moscow in addition to the conference. Imagine how hard it is to answer this question for their children to others, frequent participants in various conferences. Or they have children do not ask such questions. It is not set.

The modem refused to work in field conditions. So I made ​​a knight's move: the tablet raised as a point of Wi-Fi. Speed ​​between the tablet and netbook - 56MBit. Internet speed - much like at home - about 2 Mbps. Able to do everything and now finishing this post with netbook.