вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

Report on the Seed Forum Kiev 2010

Ivchenko ( Deputy. Minister of Department of Innovation. development) was impressed by the Soviet training people, nostalgic for the past. I have a persistent aversion to the type of people.
Ambassador of Norway was pleased with the news that yesterday signed an agreement with Russia on the delimitation of the Barents Sea, the talks lasted for 40 years.
Podoliev (EBRD) was talking about millions of bank. Plan in 2010 to allocate funds for the rehabilitation of hydroelectric power stations and roads.

a. http://www. onmii. com / for storing pieces of women's jewelry. 100 euros for the end user.
Looking for distributors, investors. Enter the markets of Japan, Sweden.

2. hypoxic training simulator. Breathe oxygen to its content ot14 to 8% and will be healthy. There is a prototype, they want to invest for the industrial.

3. Mercur - slurred presentation. Products for water supply.

4. Optima2. This number of grammatical errors on a single sheet presentation ever seen.
A device for a more complete combustion of fuel for internal combustion engines. Efficiency increases from 80 to 98% by ordering fuel molecules, which at the time of changing the valence of the ( O- O). It is worth UAH 500. That pays for itself through 1000l of fuel and begins to produce its effect.

5. System to protect the driver of the vehicle from the vibration. Dnepropetrovsk, the same firm that makes satellites. They want 450 thousand. euro, for 2 years come to the break-even point.

6. alienteknology. The most com otpadny project. Do airships that fly and photograph the area. Combined with GIS systems. Artists interested in IT projects in Ukraine. We agreed to get in touch.

7. Latvian real estate project. Offer to become a European Ukraine's accession to the EU. Accommodation from 46 thousand. EUR 9 thousand. tax year and you have a European. Like, a dream come true.

The representative of the s- da Rogan (Kharkiv) several times offered to our project to produce them. Good guy.

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