вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

Report on the Seed Forum Kiev 2010

Ivchenko ( Deputy. Minister of Department of Innovation. development) was impressed by the Soviet training people, nostalgic for the past. I have a persistent aversion to the type of people.
Ambassador of Norway was pleased with the news that yesterday signed an agreement with Russia on the delimitation of the Barents Sea, the talks lasted for 40 years.
Podoliev (EBRD) was talking about millions of bank. Plan in 2010 to allocate funds for the rehabilitation of hydroelectric power stations and roads.

a. http://www. onmii. com / for storing pieces of women's jewelry. 100 euros for the end user.
Looking for distributors, investors. Enter the markets of Japan, Sweden.

2. hypoxic training simulator. Breathe oxygen to its content ot14 to 8% and will be healthy. There is a prototype, they want to invest for the industrial.

3. Mercur - slurred presentation. Products for water supply.

4. Optima2. This number of grammatical errors on a single sheet presentation ever seen.
A device for a more complete combustion of fuel for internal combustion engines. Efficiency increases from 80 to 98% by ordering fuel molecules, which at the time of changing the valence of the ( O- O). It is worth UAH 500. That pays for itself through 1000l of fuel and begins to produce its effect.

5. System to protect the driver of the vehicle from the vibration. Dnepropetrovsk, the same firm that makes satellites. They want 450 thousand. euro, for 2 years come to the break-even point.

6. alienteknology. The most com otpadny project. Do airships that fly and photograph the area. Combined with GIS systems. Artists interested in IT projects in Ukraine. We agreed to get in touch.

7. Latvian real estate project. Offer to become a European Ukraine's accession to the EU. Accommodation from 46 thousand. EUR 9 thousand. tax year and you have a European. Like, a dream come true.

The representative of the s- da Rogan (Kharkiv) several times offered to our project to produce them. Good guy.

воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

Putin pays for a rally in Moscow - 1000 p.

' At the end of the action on the same day you receive the money ' - promises to the girl, who presented Julia. According to her, it will be a ' rally in support of Putin '.
Mandatory condition of participation in the ' rally ' - provide your passport details. Start at the rally itself will also be only on the passport. The place and exact time will tell at the last moment.
Other requirements legkovypolnimy. Posters do not need slogans are not required. The main thing - to uphold the cold for three to six hours and listen to speeches from the stage.
' We even give away nothing will, it is important just stupid amount of people and all ...

Free classified ads sites and resources on the selection of actors, extras are full of reports of record on the fourth event in February. In the ' work ' at a rally offer from 300 rubles to one thousand five hundred.

Who is gaining people find difficult to. Those who respond to phone calls - performers Order, which knows almost nothing. Before the policy they obviously do not care.
I 'm not sure that, in support of United Russia - says Coordinator. - They told me just get people to pledge money '.

On the phone he said sympathetically, that dress better than warm, because it is cold. And that, perhaps, the organizers will give to drink tea, participants. ' But it will be about 200, maybe 300, - informs the coordinator of the ring. - I do not know whether the tea will get all '.
The political crowd.

' Pay for meetings, to bring their buses to the suburbs, to drive to the shipping instructions from the enterprise budget on pain of loss of bonuses and reprimands - all the tools only the current government '.

Anton Matyukhin, the movement of ' Civil Action'.

Advertisements inviting not only the kind of ... But it is still dominated by the announcement of the rally ...

Sign up for a ' meeting at the Swamp area! (Authorized) ' at the phone number in the ad, you can not.

Answers the call a young man, speaks to the left in the account on the website, but claims that he knew nothing about their functions, to collect people on February 4.

' Why should I write for a rally at the Swamp?. My phone is listed in the ad? .